Gen United

My job was so crap I had to leave…

Let’s face it, young workers have to start somewhere. But it’s usually on the bottom of the pile.(sad face). At least we’re in it together, right? (happy-sad-non-plussed face). At Gen U, we’ve been asking you to post your worse workplace stories, and you’re even shocking us!

The do’s and don’ts of workplace relationships 👥

One of the best things about your first regular job can be the friends you make. But, while a lot of workplaces are great for making friends, or even something more (wink wink), you need to be wary. There are some do’s and don’ts for workplace relationships.

6 Things To Check On Your Trial Shift

So, you’ve smashed the interview and been asked to come in for a trial shift. Amazing! But before you start your trial, there are a few things you really should check first. Find out what they are in this blog.

How do employers get away with wage theft?

Wage theft is far too common in Australia and young workers are some of the most exploited. It’s finally illegal, but it will take a long time for the culture to change.

5 tips to deal with a sh*tty boss

Unfortunately, a good boss can be a rare thing. We’ve come up with 5 dog acts that sh*tty bosses are often guilty of – and what you can do if it’s stressing you.

What even is a Union?

You may never have heard of unions or if you have, you’re not quite sure what they do. Fear not, we’ve got you covered with the down low on these super helpful organizations.

This isn’t a cost of living crisis, it’s a cost of living scandal.

In a country where we can ensure that everyone has enough to get by, more and more people are falling through the cracks.

Our wages are going backwards while corporate profits go through the roof – so basically, the system’s working exactly how it was designed.

This isn’t a cost of living crisis, it’s a cost of living scandal.

Pay secrecy only benefits your boss, and now it’s gone!

Have you ever had an employer tell you not to discuss your pay with your co-workers? Or it might even have been a clause in your employment contract or workplace agreement.

Or have you been told that it’s rude to discuss pay at work? No prizes for guessing where that concept came from! Read up on your rights about pay secrecy.

Biggest casual roster fails

If you’ve had a casual job you’ve probably experienced at least a couple of these frustrating rostering fails. Although the 25% casual loading that you get as a casual worker is supposed to cover for not getting for sick and annual leave, it doesn’t cover you for insecurity. It certainly doesn’t cover you when you face some of these appalling casual rostering fails. How many have you experienced?

6 tips for dealing with angry customers

If you work in a customer-facing role you’ve probably had to deal with an angry member of the public at some point. As the Christmas shopping and end-of-year party period looms, it seemed like a good time to share our tips for staying safe while dealing with irate customers. Read more to find out our trips.