Gen United

Total Sh*ft Show 🎙️

A Podcast by Gen United

Welcome to the Total Sh*ft Show Podcast by Gen United!

Join hosts Cydnie and Zarah for a wild ride of jaw-dropping confessions, unfiltered commentary, and lively discussions on workplace rights. From nightmare bosses to shady workplace practices, we’re here to expose it all. With new episodes released every second Friday, you won’t want to miss a single story from the trenches of the modern workplace. Subscribe now and join the conversation! 

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When Work Turns Toxic: Real Talk on Bullying and Harassment at Work | Total Sh*ft Show Episode #4  

In this episode, Cydnie and Zarah pull back the curtain on some truly alarming workplace stories. Hear about a receptionist enduring relentless harassment, a boss at a gift shop exploiting employees while flaunting his wealth, a cafe facing financial ruin, and a not-for-profit where bullying goes unchecked. We’ll also explore the systemic problems facing young workers today and provide practical advice on tackling bullying and harassment. 

Key Topics + Chapter Markers: 

  • [0:00] Introduction and Overview 
  • Zarah and Cydnie introduce this week’s episode, focusing on harassment, wage theft, financial misconduct, and the mental health toll on young workers. They provide a content warning for sensitive topics discussed. 
  • [00:42] Story #1: Sexual Harassment at a Luxury Car Dealership 
  • A 20-year-old receptionist experiences sexual harassment from a co-worker and is fired after reporting it. Zarah and Cydnie discuss the fear of retaliation and systemic failures in addressing workplace harassment. 
  • [03:40] Story #2: Wage Theft at a Gift Shop  
  • Chrissy’s story reveals wage theft at a gift shop, with employees going unpaid while the owner flaunts wealth. Zarah and Cydnie highlight the impact of irresponsible financial management on employees’ livelihoods. 
  • [05:17] Story #3: Financial Misconduct at a Popular Chain Cafe 
  • Jude shares their experience of unpaid wages and financial mismanagement at a chain cafe, leading to its eviction and sudden closure. The hosts stress the importance of financial transparency and accountability in businesses. 
  • [07:01] Story #4: Workplace Bullying at a Not-for-Profit 
  • Rosie recounts workplace bullying and excessive workload at a not-for-profit, receiving no support after reporting it to the CEO. Zarah and Cydnie discuss the emotional toll of bullying and the failure of leadership to address toxic environments. 
  • [10:11] Analysis of Workplace Issues 
  • The hosts analyze the stories, focusing on the broader implications of harassment, bullying, and financial misconduct. They emphasize the need for solid policies and supportive environments to address these issues 
  • [12:38] Practical Advice for Dealing with Workplace Issues 
  • Zarah and Cydnie offer practical advice for anyone facing bullying or harassment at work. They stress documenting incidents, seeking support, making formal complaints, and the role of unions in ensuring fair treatment. 

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