Gen United

When I first started working at a cafe in Ballarat, I thought the “no breaks for a 7.5hour shift” was because they were understaffed and I felt bad for my coworkers who had been there sometime before me. Soon I found out the owners didn’t care that you didn’t get breaks and chose not to roster enough people on so breaks could be had. Working in the kitchen, I and other workers felt awkward or guilty for needing going to the toilet in case a docket came into the kitchen. There was no qualified chef in the kitchen (some experience cooks but no one who knows how to organise a kitchen properly) and an owner (1/2) would breeze in and take over whoever’s section they saw fit and move forward with dockets when they weren’t ready. I had never seen so many wait staff come crying into the kitchen after being yelled at by the other owner (2/2) or after being abused/made uncomfortable by customers. There was no support for the staff in those situations as far as I could tell. I was under paid and paid in cash.

anonymous, 22

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