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Workplace Resources

Your one-stop-shop for resources designed for workers under 25

1 in 5 young workers are being paid less than the legal minimum wage they are entitled to. 

So, if you think you’re wages have been stolen, you’re not alone! 

This is a series about how to work it out, and what to do about it.

Whether its your first job or third, fourth or fifth job; understanding your employment contracts is super important.

We totally get it… Finding out the correct wage you should be paid based on your industry, level or age can be confusing.

We’re here to help! Take a look at our current industries to find out your wages.

Want to know the difference between full time, part time or casual? We’ve covered each of these employment type’s hours benefits & entitlements, dismissals, and superannuation.

They might be dull, but payslips are important. For workers, they’re a checklist of how much you’re paid per hour, how many hours you worked in the pay period, how much super is owing, how much leave you have accrued and if you have any sick leave.

Worst Workplace Confessions đź’¬

Real Tales Of Bad Bosses, Dodgy Workplaces and Trash Pay

from the blog đź”—

July 8, 2024
4 minute read
Let’s face it, young workers have to start somewhere. But it’s usually on the bottom of the pile.(sad face). At least we’re in it together, right? (happy-sad-non-plussed face). At Gen U, we’ve been asking you to post your worse workplace stories, and you’re even shocking us!
June 28, 2024
3 minute read
All you need to know about Minimum and Award wage increase, tax cuts, energy relief payment and super guarantee increase - plus, an end of financial year checklist for your work entitlements.
June 4, 2024
4 minute read
One of the best things about your first regular job can be the friends you make. But, while a lot of workplaces are great for making friends, or even something more (wink wink), you need to be wary. There are some do’s and don’ts for workplace relationships.

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