Gen United

The Worst Workplace Confessions

Real Tales of Bad Bosses, Dodgy Workplaces and Trash Pay

Submit your Anonymous Worst Workplace Confessions

  • Are you working in Australia and aged 18 to 25?

  • Has your boss or manager ever done some real dodgy shit at your current or previous workplace?

  • Has your boss ever asked you to do something so dumb at work it makes you question their intelligence?

  • Have you ever been paid so little you’re basically eating air for dinner for the next week?

    If any of the above has happened to you, we want to hear it! Submit your anonymous confessions so we can crown the Worst Workplace Confession for 2024 👉

"*" indicates required fields

If we share your story on social media/our podcast, we want to use your preferred pronouns

Submissions đź’¬

I worked at a [popular chain cafe]. stockists were always coming in and complaining their invoices weren’t being payed. Owners constantly lied and told them they were and put us into awkward...

jude, 18

I worked on nightfill/grocery for (I don't want to name it incase I get in trouble somehow) supermarket in Adelaide after high school. We never did any kind of training on safe practices, but got...
When I was working for a small supermarket chain, we often wouldn’t finish the nightly delivery by 9 so the night shift manager would tell us all to clock off at 9 but we were still required to...
I worked as a receptionist at a boutique finance firm and my boss made it a condition of my employment to attend a personal trainer outside of office hours and to go on midday walks before I was...
One of many shady job experiences, but the boss of a cafe I was doing a WORK TRIAL (not that I was there for more than a month, but) at would watch us through the cameras and call us while on shift...
So I’m a supervisor at my work, the youngest of them all actually. I earn a grand total of $16.10 an hour. My other older coworkers who received their promotion were excited about the raise,...
My first job out of uni was working for a not for profit. I was employed as a (fundraising and events) role assistant, and I was meant to be working with a (fundraising and events) role manager....
I worked at a luxury car dealership as a service receptionist/administrator. An older coworker (around 55-65 years old) was extremely nice to me, and would talk to me about his wife and kids. I...
I worked for [popular fashion brand] for 3 years when I was diagnosed with a brain tumour in September of 2016. Everything moved very quickly. I was having PET scans, preparations for surgery,...
When I first started working at a cafe in Ballarat, I thought the “no breaks for a 7.5hour shift” was because they were understaffed and I felt bad for my coworkers who had been there sometime...
Worked at a bar where the owners son sexually harassed me for months. After finally telling the manager about this, he said maybe this isn’t the environment for me. I was a causal employee so a few...
I work in childcare and recently our room leader quit, i am working towards my cert 3 and on top of the studying i have to do i also now am expected to take over as room leader without any pay rise...