Gen United

take action for climate justice

The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) is Australia’s largest youth-run organisation, our mission is to build a movement of young people leading solutions to the climate crisis. 

Tomorrow movement is an unstoppable movement of young people fighting for a society with good jobs, great public services and a safe climate for all. 

School Strike 4 Climate (SS4C) School students of all ages, races, genders, backgrounds and sexualities from every part of Australia. United by our concern for the future of the planet that we live in, we have bridged the thousands of kilometres that separates us to create one of the biggest movements in Australian history. 

Labor Environment Action Network (LEAN) is a group of Labor members and supporters that celebrate Labor’s environmental legacy and campaign to ensure environment is central to its future. 

Seed is Australia’s first Indigenous youth climate network. They are building a movement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people for climate justice with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. 

Climate Council is Australia’s own independent, evidence-based organisation on climate science, impacts and solutions. 

1 Million Women – Women from every corner of the planet living climate action through everything we do. 

Climate Justice Union – We are a community union focused on achieving climate justice in Western Australia. We collectively pool resources (people, effort, ideas, funds) to create the future we want and need, while leaving nobody behind. 

Cooperative Power is a newly formed non-profit cooperative for Australia’s energy sector. Together we’re creating a better way to buy energy – one where we can have our say in how it’s created and how much it costs.

The revenue we generate from electricity goes to supporting our mission of fighting poverty, tackling the climate crisis and supporting communities. 

United Workers Union Climate Action – Workers in Australia are on the frontlines of the climate crisis and UWU members are already dealing with the impacts of a changing climate on our work.

Currently too many workers are at risk of being left without support as workplaces close, industries begin to transition without a plan and climate change impacts begin to cause risks to health and safety in the workplace.

We need plans and public funding to ensure skills are not lost, and workers are safe at work, and that workers in transition are supported to move into secure jobs in industries which can make use of their skills and meet their other life needs.