Gen United

A few years ago. I was a first year apprentice electrician. The theory of TAFE wasn’t too difficult for me but I was learning. But the boss just had me cutting down trees on his property. Which I constantly asked him when I was going to learn electrician stuff. Anyway I worked for maybe 8 months, and was passing my tests. Until it got to practical tests. Which I had no idea how to connect a power switch, because all I had done, day in day out was cut down trees (I know power switches are not difficult but I was dumb to an extent, in some fields) Anyway I told my TAFE I had just been cutting down trees. So they called in my boss and he fired me later that day. He also asked why I didn’t tell him I had a test so I could pass the practical. It was cooked 😂🤣 kinda wish I finished the apprenticeship tho

anonymous, unknown

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