Gen United

My first ever job I got a Xmas casual position at [a popular stationary store]. I’m from a poor family so it was my only chance to afford to move out for university. When I was sent the first roster I was assigned a shift I wouldn’t be able to attend so I asked someone to swap shifts, which we were allowed to do. The co-worker told me the wrong day and when no one turned up for a shift I got thrown under the bus. I wasn’t allowed to be put on the roster for two weeks. The managers didn’t like me after that and I got less shifts than everyone else. I worked hard and tried my best to go above and beyond to earn their trust cause I really needed more shifts, but nothing came of it. Over the whole 2-3 month xmas season I had earned maybe $400 and was one of the few xmas casuals who wasn’t asked to stay on. All cause I messed up one shift.

bee, 18

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