Gen United

I worked at [restaurant]. I got a job through a friend. I was the only female employee beside one of the chefs.
One busy weekend a table came in late to eat dinner. As the 2IC manager approached to take payment, I was closing up and filling bottles of sauce etc. next thing I noticed was the eftpos machine crashing into the wall beside my head – my 2IC had some kind of verbal altercation with the diners and had a fit, so decided to throw the eftpos machine (?!?) at me, and barked ‘you fucken take the payment’ 

Traumatised and poor, I did just that, finished my shift and left.
A few days later I approached the manager to tell them what had happened and that I no longer felt safe working with the 2IC. He got angry at me for ‘squealing’ and told me that’s not what they were looking for at this establishment and fired me on the spot 

Other dodgy shit from [this restaurant] 
– those two owners would walk in at midday on some occasions and open a bottle of champagne forumula 1 style and make everyone drink and make a mess of the place (and then go on to say nobody wants to work hard anymore)

-RAMPANT organised, manager-approved drug dealing and taking on premises, most of the people that worked there would get high on shift (I mean take mdma, cocaine etc) EVERY WEEKEND

-unpaid overtime, make everyone stay back until everyone was finished packing down so 2-3 hours per night

[some identifiable info has been redacted for privacy reasons in this submission]

nadia, 25

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