Gen United

My first job out of uni was working for a not for profit. I was employed as a (fundraising and events) role assistant, and I was meant to be working with a (fundraising and events) role manager. The only problem was that for the fifteen months I worked there, they couldn’t manage to hire a manager. Instead a revolving door of three different managers came and went with large gaps in between where I had no manager to work with. This meant that I ended up doing the workload (organising about 4 large scale community events each year plus quarterly sponsor events) of both the manager and assistant position for most of the time I was there, whilst being paid the salary of the assistant position. To top this off, I was also belittled by a staff member who had been with the organisation for thirteen years. She constantly questioned every decision I made and told me in a staff meeting that I “hadn’t been around long enough to know how the world works” so I shouldn’t be making decisions. On one occasion I was hiring cutlery and crockery for an event that I’d run numerous times and she asked me in a staff meeting individually how many forks, knives, spoons and plates I’d ordered. I emailed the ceo to let him know that I wasn’t going to be subjected to this and felt that the workplace bullying from this individual needed to be addressed. He defended her and told me that what I’d said was a very serious allegation and he’d encourage me to reconsider my accusation. I promptly handed in my resignation after this and honestly should have done so much sooner than I did.

rosie, 22

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