Gen United

Your story

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Want to tell yours?

  • Where’s my payslips?!

    Aged 18

    Freya worked for a small café in Brisbane CBD. They made her do a one-week trial totally UNPAID, where she worked around 32 hours total. Despite missing out on a full weeks wage, she looked past this because she just really needed a job and wasn’t having much luck finding anything else at the time. A few weeks later, Freya noticed her pay was super low in comparison to other jobs she’s worked in the past, even though she was working the same hours or more. When she asked her employer for her payslips so she could figure out her hourly rate and if she was being underpaid, they straight out refused with no valid reason besides “you don’t need them, your bank account will show you your total wage each pay”. Two weeks went by, and despite Freya still showing up to her shifts, she still had not been given her payslips although she continued to ask for them. Meanwhile, the café owner and her manager began to become really hostile towards Freya, switching between yelling at her or ignoring her completely. With uni stress building, the pressure to pay her rent and bills, and this workplace situation, Freya handed in her resignation. Freya never received her payslips, and they also did not pay her out for her final week of working.


  • Mock title

    Aged 14

    Insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here

  • Mock title

    Aged 16

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  • Mock title

    Aged 17

    Insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here insert content here